December 29th, 2022
As a tumultuous year draws to a close, many in the West – and beyond – will be wondering what the two rival superpowers have planned for 2023. Ever a fraught alliance, the partnership between Russia and China could see both countries pool expertise in the cyber realm, as each one vies to stake its claim on the global stage.
May 26th, 2022
If most medium to large corporations have established security training programs, why is the number and severity of data breaches continuing to grow?
May 11th, 2022
Counterintelligence Institute founder, Peter Warmka, discusses how a security executive’s public profile can affect his or her level of physical and cyber risk, as well as reputational risk for the organization.
February 6th, 2022
With the launch of Counterintelligence Institute, and publication of his best-selling book, Confessions of a CIA Spy — The Art of Human Hacking, Peter is inspiring thousands of people to incorporate a simple, yet powerful, three-word phrase into their daily lives: “Verify, then Trust.”
December 23, 2021
LinkedIn can be an invaluable resource for networking amongst trusted professionals. The danger lies when we automatically trust everyone who reaches out to us.
October 22nd, 2021
Spear-phishers may use LinkedIn profiles to target military members, veterans and contractors with security clearances. Here's what you need to know to protect yourself.
October 15th, 2021
Always perform your search comparing the name of the person, name of their company, and their profession as recruiters on Google. If they are legitimate, you will find information that confirms their background.
October 15th, 2021
Inside their motivations, how they go about it -- and what businesses can do about it, according to Counterintelligence Institute founder Peter Warmka.
September 29th, 2021
Savvy attackers work behind a computer screen; with the amount of information that an organization places online about itself and its staff, threat actors can use that data to gain access into an organization by cultivating inside help.
Peter Warmka, author, former CIA senior intelligence officer, and executive member of the Counterintelligence Institute, explains how attackers are taking very meticulous steps to build a trusted connection with victims before they complete a spear-phishing attack.
September 24th, 2021
September 9th, 2021
While cybercriminals are constantly looking for new ways to compromise IT systems, sometimes the old ways work just fine. Two cybersecurity vendors recently noted malware getting spread through a tried-and-true method: Microsoft Word documents.
September/October 2021
Hackers have everyone fooled, even cybersecurity professionals themselves! Think twice before reaching out—and responding to—online connections.
June 1st, 2021
With increasing reliance on digital and remote work, common applications, and a diversified employee base, today’s businesses face an age-old and ever-evolving threat; the threat posed by human vulnerability.
August 20th, 2020
Peter Warmka identifies several key skills and competencies possessed by professional spies which are sorely lacking among today’s corporate managers.
June/July 2019
Peter Warmka exposes social engineering methodology and the most effective defenses. Just as the Trojans of ancient literature were intrigued by a giant wooden horse, social engineers are assailing countless organizations today under seemingly innocent guises.
February 27th, 2019
Sophisticated threat actors will frequently target the most significant vulnerability found in most organizations: the human factor. The interaction between human beings and the technology meant to protect the organization is commonly referred to as the weakest link in security.
October 20th, 2018
Chief financial officer Malcolm Fisher never thought he would be victimized by cybercrime—until a social engineer successfully impersonated him and bilked his company out of more than $125,000.
June 18th, 2018
It should come as no surprise that with the growing prevalence of the internet, it’s even easier today to get personal information on a potential target. Personal information is everywhere and criminals know exactly where to look.